Support Offered
Assistance with Pets
Domestic Tasks
Hair Dressing
Keeping Healthy
Social Support & Accessing the Community
My Training
Autism Awareness
Dementia Care
Diabetes management
Epilepsy Awareness
Face to face First Aid
Learning Disabillty Awerness
Moving and Handling
Non Abusive physical and psychological intervention (NAPPI Level 2)
The Care Certificate - 15 mandatory requirments

About me
Hi I’m Emily,
I am a creative and extroverted person who loves supporting others having fun and developing new skills along the way.
I have over four years of experience in the social care sector supporting individuals with LD, ASD and other complex needs.
I am flexible, compassionate and confident. I am very passionate about social inclusion, dignity and independence.
I love getting involved with creative projects such as arts and crafts, drama and music, video production and editing.
In my spare time I like to paint, sing and play the flute. I am currently working on an independent stop-motion short film.
I especially enjoy integrating my creative skills with the support I give, enabling personal expression through the arts.
What people say about me
Emily has extensive experience of working in the caring profession. I believe she has a client-centred approach to her work and will go the extra mile to ensure that clients receive the best possible care. She is imaginative and talented in the arts field which she readily brings to her role