You are now registered with Calibre Quality Care. Please hover over “My Account” in the top right of your screen, click “Job Requirements” to raise a job you want to be advertised to all the PA’s.
Alternatively, if you have already discussed this with a member of the team, this will have been raised for you. Please select “My Jobs” to view the advert placed.
What happens next?
- The team will contact you when a PA has shown an interest in your job, or alternatively you can click “My Jobs” on “My Account” and look to see if a PA has shown an interest. The PA’s Profile will be emailed or posted to you for your consideration.
- Once you receive the PA Profile, you can call them direct to arrange an informal meeting which you will not be charged for.
- This meeting is an opportunity for you to meet the PA and discuss any further details of the support required – if you are happy with the PA, arrange a start date.
- Please feedback to Calibre Quality Care any arrangements that have been made.
This page will always be under “My Account” for you to refer back to. If you still need help please contact us.